Why I Love the Billie Razor

Razor: Billie Blush // Case: Circle Pouch // Shaving Cream: The Shave Cream // Body Lotion: Dry-Bye Body Lotion

I recently discovered a new razor brand after seeing others rave about it. Naturally, when I hear about how amazing a product is, it instantly makes me want to go and try it. Billie is such a fun brand that can take care of all your shaving needs! I’m excited to share more about the products that I got and what you can find on their website when shopping!

When you first go to Billie’s website, you’re met with a live video and lots of color, making it super intriguing! You’ll see the statement across the screen, “Razors built for Womankind.” They want to be known as a brand that can take care of the shaving needs for any and every woman. You’ll also see immediately that they were awarded as a winner for Best of Beauty by Allure in 2018 and were on Nylon Beauty’s hit list that same year. So great! As you scroll down their home page, you’ll learn more facts about the brand, like how they deliver award-winning shaving supplies and premium body care products at a fair price without the “pink tax.” And for those of you who don’t know, when they say “pink tax” they are referring to the fact that women’s razors tend to cost 10-15% more than men’s. And I 100% agree with them that that’s not cool at all! I love how empowering they are and how they are fighting for change against that statistic.

To begin your purchase of a razor, you can click on any “Get Started” bar you’ll find throughout their site. Their Starter kits are only $9 and they include a Billie handle, the mag(net)ic holder and two 5-blade razor cartridges. Ongoing, they will even deliver four replacement cartridges for $9, when you need them. I’m amazed! This isn’t a deal I’ve ever come across when shopping for razor replacements in the past. After reading all of that, I was sold, so I clicked on “Let’s Get Started!” Next, a page pops up with their variety of handle colors to choose from. Being a big fan of pink, I went with the pretty Billie Blush! They have 6 super fun colors and I love that there’s a good amount to choose from. Moving on from making my selection, I was then asked “How often do you shave?” They have 3 answer options to choose from, and choosing which one best suits you helps them to determine how often you will need deliveries of new blade replacements. They will send you 4 new ones with every shipment and you can make a change to that at any point so you aren’t receiving more or less than you actually need! The final step, before finalizing your purchase, is optional. You can choose to add on extra products to your purchase. I tried out The Shave Cream and the Dry-Bye Body Lotion and so far I love them both! Their shave cream is smooth as butter and their lotion nutrient-rich, delivering all-day hydration. They’re also both made with really natural and good ingredients, which I appreciate! I also added on their circle pouch which has such a fun look and happens to be waterproof! Again, you don’t have to add on any of these extras, but I just wanted to share about the few that I got and how amazing they are. I highly recommend them! After selecting or skipping on the extras, you are good to go with placing your order! It’s super easy to navigate their website and whether you’re in need of a new razor right now or not, I truly believe it’s worth you checking out!

So shave and save with Billie’s fancy blades and premium body care! Remember, it only takes $9 to get started and that is such a good deal! Free shipping is also always a great thing, so take advantage of that perk, too! Trust me, if you give this brand a shot, you will definitely be satisfied and you won’t regret it. You can find more reviews on their products here!

Thank you so much to Billie for sponsoring this post. As always, the thoughts and opinions are all of my own. 





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