My Hospital Bag

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Dress: Flounce Sleeve Ribbed Maternity Dress (wearing a medium)

I am so excited to finally share what we are bringing to the hospital with us! This has been a highly requested blog post so I am happy to finally get it done and I hope that it can be a big help to a lot of you. I am 37 weeks, 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced so baby girl could really come any day now! We are officially on baby watch and have our bags ready to go! 🙂

I want to start out by saying that you seriously do not NEED anything at the hospital. You could show up with literally nothing and you would be totally fine. The hospital has every thing that you would ever need. I have had friends show up empty handed who were totally fine. Hospital bags are 100% optional and based on personal preference. They are only made to make you feel more comfortable in the hospital and you can bring as much and as little as you would like.

My OBGYN was sweet enough to send me a list of things she thought would be good for me to bring for myself, the baby, and my husband. I also got advice from a lot of my friends/family members. Again, none of these things are needed and they are just simply personal preference. I could use all of these things, some of these things, or none of these things. We will just have to see! I will keep you guys updated after delivery to let you know what I actually used and what I didn’t.

Stuff for Mom (what I packed for myself):

Electronics & Other Essentials:

Stuff for Baby:

Stuff for Dad:

  • Change of clothes (at least 2 outfits just in case)
  • Pajamas
  • Slippers or comfy slip on shoes
  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant etc)
  • Lots of snacks
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Book/iPad/laptop/headphones & general entertainment/chargers for all of these things
  • Cell phone & charger
  • Blanket and pillows (for comfort)
  • Portable charger
  • Any daily prescription medicine

So that’s about all I can think of. Again, you do not need ANY of these things. The hospital has everything that you need. These things are just to make you feel as comfortable as possible.

We are also bringing some baskets for our nurses/doctors as a way to say thank you to them for working so hard, especially during COVID. I have everything saved to my highlighted stories on Instagram titled “Nursing Baskets”. We packed them full with snacks, candy, gum, hair ties, pens, toiletries, and drinks! You can put whatever you want to in them. These baskets are just a nice way to say thank you but they are definitely not a must have. I am not sure yet where exactly we are going to put them, when we are taking them in, or anything like that. We are going to figure out the best way to do things when we get to the hospital and I will let you guys know afterwards what we did!

I am not bringing any diapers/wipes or any postpartum care to the hospital. The hospital already has all of that stuff. However, I did buy some postpartum care things to have for right when I get home from the hospital. I will list what I bought below!

Postpartum Care: 

I hope this was helpful! Love you guys!!






1 Comment

  1. Kelly
    June 29, 2020 / 8:48 am

    Make sure dad packs enough clothes! I ended up being in labor for 26 hrs and stayed in the hospital for 4 days after my c-section! This may sound crazy but my husband also brought his iPad to watch Netflix when I was trying to sleep and he was rocking the baby. Made a huge difference! Good luck girl, motherhood is the best and hardest thing you will do in your earthly life!

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