Inside: Read all about Harper’s favorite toys and learn our favorite Melissa and Doug toys for two year olds! Add these to your own babe’s Christmas list this year!

I can not believe it’s almost November, y’all!
It’s like you share your favorite photos of your family Halloween costumes and then up next, you’re thinking about Christmas gift ideas!

This little cutie is about to have to share toys with a baby brother, but for now, we are focusing on our FAVORITE toys from Melissa and Doug and thought we would share what she’s loving and why we love Melissa and Doug toys so much!
They aren’t even paying me to say this guys – ha! We just genuinely really love their stuff! Especially Harper 🙂

Harper is 2 and the toys we have for her are perfect for helping us reduce her screen time which seems SO hard these days!

Melissa and Doug toys are perfect for 2 year olds who are just beginning to explore the world around them and working on using their imagination!

This magnetic dress up doll set let’s Harper practice her fashionista skills and do mini try ons like mama 😉

These well-made, durable toys are designed to engage little ones and even practice some life skills like putting a pacifier in for a certain baby brother that’s coming any day now!

It made my heart MELT seeing her play with these sweet babies just thinking about how great of a big sister she’s going to be!

From puzzles and blocks to toy cars and trains, Melissa and Doug has a wide selection of toys that will capture your child’s imagination, even at the youngest ages!

And best of all, these toys are built to last, which is a good thing if we are going to keep this ice cream taste testing up too!
So if you’re looking for fun, safe, and high-quality toys for your little babe, be sure to check out the great selection from Melissa and Doug for the holiday season!