Cute Family Halloween Costume Ideas

Inside: Sharing our super cute family costumes since Harper joined our crew!

I can’t believe we are SO close to Halloween already!

woman and little girl with brown hair holding boo bagsPin this image on Pinterest

I just recently shared about some really easy items to put in cute little Boo Bags and so I thought I would also share the fun family costumes Cam and I have gotten to do with Harper the last 2 years before this sweet little boy joins our crew!

Harper’s 1st Halloween

closeup of baby dressed in crochet flamingo outfitPin this image on Pinterest

Oh my GOSH, can you EVEN?!

Our sweet little flamingo. I die when I see this picture.

She’s sitting right in her own rocker in her flamingo themed nursery and it’s perfect.

family halloween costume with snake, giraffe and baby dressed as flamingoPin this image on Pinterest

Cam and I had a really good time with this too!

family halloween costume with snake, giraffe and baby dressed as flamingoPin this image on Pinterest

Although, I must say that Cam probably had even more fun than we did, ha!

Harper’s 2nd Halloween

little girl on front porch in lion costumePin this image on Pinterest

Ughhh, this little nugget has my entire heart. I’m seriously just so obsessed and in love with her.

She was the cutest lion around and with her being able to walk last year, Halloween was just SO much fun! I know this year will be even more fun since she’s become (SO MUCH) more talkative lately!

family on front porch with wizard of Oz costumesPin this image on Pinterest

We got to be Dorothy and the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz which was so fun.

Peep Cam’s straw even coming out of the bottom of his pants!

I can promise that my plan is to dress up as a family as long as these kiddos will let me!

If not, at least getting to dress baby boy and Harper alike will be fun!

If you’re looking for some other family outfit ideas, here are some really fun suggestions, especially depending on your family size:

  • Different color crayons
  • Characters from your favorite book, movie or TV show
  • Athletic team
  • Foods that go together
  • Farm animals

Hopefully this has stirred your imagination some! What are some of the best family costumes you’ve seen? Let me know in the comments below and Happy Halloween!

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